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CCSAI Energy Systems Engineering Association

The Energy Systems Engineering Association serves as a dynamic hub for students passionate about the field of energy, offering a multifaceted platform aimed at enhancing their skills, preparing them for the professional landscape, and fostering a sense of camaraderie. At its core, the club functions as a knowledge-sharing nexus, providing a space for students to delve into the intricacies of energy-related topics, and keep up with industry trends. Through workshops, seminars, and collaborative initiatives, members not only augment their academic understanding but also acquire skills that are essential in the workplace.

Follow us on Instagram @ESETCentennialCollege.CCSAI

Kathrina Yvonne Cruz, President
Michi Klippenstein, Vice President
Gouridev Bindu, Admin Officer

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CCSAI Robotics Club

The Centennial College Robotics and Automation Club is a community dedicated to exploring and promoting the fields of robotics and automation. It serves as a platform for individuals with an interest in these areas to come together, learn, and collaborate on various projects and activities. Members may have diverse backgrounds, including engineering, computer science, mathematics, and other related disciplines. The club provides a space for them to exchange ideas, enhance their skills, and contribute to the advancement of robotics and automation technologies. Overall, the Robotics and Automation Club provides a supportive and collaborative environment for individuals to explore their interests in robotics and automation, fostering a community of like-minded individuals passionate about state-of-the-art robotics technology that pushes the boundaries of automation.

Palash Raja, President
Alejandro Verde Morales, Vice President
Syed Afeef Ahmed, Admin Officer

Nepalese in Centennial

The Nepalese in Centennial club is a vibrant community hub dedicated to celebrating Nepalese culture, fostering connections, and promoting inclusivity. Join us for cultural events, community support, educational initiatives, and social connections. Together, let's enrich Centennial's cultural tapestry and create a welcoming space for everyone.

Sayujya Dhungel, President
Avhiyan Gautam, Vice President

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CCSAI Water Of Life Club

Our club is a Bible study club which aims to provide a welcoming, inclusive environment for students to explore and deepen their understanding of the Bible and its teachings. Our goal is to create a supportive community where individuals from diverse backgrounds can come together to discuss, reflect, and learn from the rich historical and moral lessons contained within the Bible.

Yehong Hu, President
Bibek Lama, Vice President
Hernna Maria A.Sanchez, Admin Officer

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CCSAI Space and Automation Student Society (SASS)

SASS is here to promote research, and development in the domain of automation and space in all aspects of engineering. The club aims to provide technical know how, support, and training in development of innovative projects. The SASS aims to collaborate with SEDS Canada (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space) with different projects, and events such night sky observation, closed space conferences, and industry networking.

Nischal Khanal, President
Deepinder Bhatt, Vice President
Alvin S Borras, Admin Officer

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CCSAI Women’s Health and Nutrition Club

This club aims to empower women with comprehensive knowledge about health and nutrition, covering essential topics such as balanced diets, regular exercise, mental health awareness, and preventive health care. Led by our President, Christine Doyle, a certified Holistic Health Coach trained by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, we can confidently provide women with the necessary guidance and support to navigate their health journey effectively

Christine Doyle, President
Chen Sun, Vice President
Spencer Dunford, Admin Officer

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