Learning Essentials Cost Reimbursement Program

The CCSAI Learning Essential Cost Reimbursement program is a CCSAI service designed to help increase the affordability of attending Centennial College.

Summer Semester Applications Close
July 21, 2024, at 4:00 pm!


Key Points

  • Available each semester, Fall, Winter and Summer
  • Only mandatory learning essentials are eligible for reimbursement
  • Items must be above and beyond tuition and textbooks
  • Student must submit via the form found on this webpage, identify their specific needs and include all required documentation
  • Funds will be dispersed via random draw among all eligible applicants

Reimbursement of mandatory learning essentials is provided at 50% of the reasonable customary purchase cost to a maximum of $100 per student.

Applicants may only submit one application per semeters, must be currently enrolled in a Centennial College program, have paid the CCSAI Academic Support Fee for the semester in which the reimbursement request has made

Students may receive reimbursement up to a maximum of two semesters within an academic year between September and April.

Ensure you have the following items for your application to be eligible for reimbursement.


    1.  Proof of Purchase
      Valid proof of purchase would be an invoice or receipt showing the transaction. Screenshots of bank statements, or photos of the item are not considered valid proof of purchase.
      Note: Private sale purchases are not eligible for reimbursement.
      1.  Proof of Necessity
        Provide proof that the purchased item is a program requirement beyond tuition and textbooks. This could be a copy of your course outline or a screenshot of messages received from your program outlining the requirement to purchase the items you are seeking reimbursement for.

      Applications For This Academic Semester Open

      May 13, 2024, at 9:00 am

      Deadline to Apply

      July 21, 2024, at 4:00 PM EST

      The deadline, July 21, 2024 for this service has now passed and we are no longer accepting applications.

      Recipients will be drawn at random from among the eligible applications each semester, within five (5) business days of the deadline. All reimbursements will be made directly to individual student MyCard accounts.

      See complete rules, regulations and terms of service for the Learning Essentials Cost Reimbursement Program.