Used Books

Please note that this is an open marketplace that will include current students and alumni. It may also contain members of the general public as well.
Please be aware that while we work to minimize the opportunity for scams and phishing attempts, we are not immune. Please exercise care in responding to potential buyers. If you are unsure ask them questions about the college or program that the book pertains to help verify their authenticity. 

This is the spot to find used books at Centennial

Check back often as users filter to the site and post their books for sale. 


by Yun Kit Woo

Author: Lucia Engkent 90% New Meet up at Centennial College (Progress Campus) on Thursdays OR Scarborough Town Centre (flexible)

 Used Books / 101 views


by Syed Morshed

If anyone is interested in buying this textbook, you can meet me in the college anytime, Just let me know when you are free to...

 Used Books / 100 views
