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CCSAI Game Makers

The CCSAI Game Makers club offers students the chance to connect and network with peers across various departments and semesters. It serves as an introduction to the entire game development process, enabling us to apply classroom learning in a practical context. In this collaborative atmosphere, members are encouraged to learn from each other's experiences, make mistakes in a low-stress environment, and gradually adapt to working collaboratively as a group. The club is more than just a meeting ground; it's a dynamic space for socialization, hands-on learning, and the development of essential teamwork skills.

Barışkan Hasret Aydın, President
Matheus Estolano Pereira, Vice President
Tseng Yu Lun, Admin Officer

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Centennial College Human Resource Student Association

The Centennial College Human Resource Student Association aims to connect students passionate about human resources, regardless of their academic level. We organize events related to human resources and the Centennial College community, open to both members and non-members. This club offers opportunities for networking, allowing students to share their passions and create study groups for future designations like the CHRP and CHRL. Join us to enhance your HR knowledge and connect with like-minded individuals!

Ridia Mamun , President
Shagaana Gunabalasingham , Vice President
Donna Kristel Cruz, Admin Officer

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Pakistani Student Association

The Centennial College Pakistani Student Association (PSA) is a vibrant community for students from Pakistan or those interested in Pakistani culture. We aim to build a sense of belonging, promote cultural awareness, and create opportunities for learning and collaboration through events and workshops. Join us to celebrate the richness of Pakistani heritage and form lasting connections with fellow students.

Sardar Ali Zaib, President
Saba Dost Mohamed, Vice President
Rizwan Chohan, Admin Officer

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Environmental Student Society

The Environmental Student Society is a student-run organization that represents all Centennial College Applied Biological and Environmental Sciences students. Our purpose is to educate students while also providing resources and opportunities for community stewardship. These are accomplished through monthly meetings at which students can attend and speak about their concerns, as well as through campus and community events hosted by the club. These meetings and activities assist the society in moving ideas, issues, policies, and initiatives forward.

Samantha Bowman, President
Ronald Polo Cortegana, Vice President
Maria Vasquez Pineros, Admin Officer

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Centennial Punjabi Student Association

The Centennial Punjabi Student Association aims to encompass the promotion of Punjabi culture, the cultivation of community solidarity through inclusive hospitality to newcomers, the orchestration of vibrant cultural events, and the dissemination of awareness regarding Punjabi heritage among individuals from varied backgrounds. Furthermore, a dedicated emphasis is placed on wellness initiatives aimed at elevating the overall health and well-being of the community.

Gurkaran Singh, President
Amritpal Singh Chamdal, Vice President
Gurpreet Kaur, Admin Officer

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CCSAI Musical Acting Club

The Musical Theatre Club aims to foster a deep appreciation and passion for the performing arts, specifically in the realm of musical theatre. Through engaging and entertaining performances, workshops, and rehearsals, our club aims to cultivate a supportive and inclusive environment where members can develop their talents, explore their creativity, and enhance their stage presence. We strive to provide a platform for individuals of all skill levels to showcase their abilities, collaborate with fellow performers, and gain valuable experience in various aspects of musical theatre production. Our ultimate goal is to celebrate the magic of musical theatre, inspire a love for the performing arts within our community, and create unforgettable moments of joy and entertainment for our members and audiences alike.

Pola Bravo Rodriguez, President
Carlos Alberto Velasco Gomez, Vice President
Joan Lomas Ortega, Admin Officer

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