
Wellness Tips for Exam Season

Wellness Tips for Exam Season

As exam season gets closer, things can get pretty stressful. But don’t worry, your Student Association is here to help!
Here are a few easy ways to take care of yourself during this busy season: 


Visit a Wellness Week Pop-Up
From April 2nd to April 11th, we’re hosting fun events on campus to help you relax. You can m

ake bracelets, get a quick massage, play trivia games, and hang out with therapy dogs! Plus, you’ll get a free care kit and a chance to win cool prizes. Check out the details here to learn more. These events are in partnership with CALCS. 


Talk to a Counsellor
Feeling overwhelmed? Our counsellors are here for you. They’re professionals who can provide brief, solution-focused psychotherapy and counselling to help you address your personal and accessible learning needs. You can book a session here or send an email to [email protected] to get started.






Attend CentennialTalks
Want to connect with others who might understand what you’re going through? Join CentennialTalks! It’s a program where you can attend workshops or get one-on-one support from a peer. You can sign up for a session here or book a chat with a Peer Supporter here. 


Stay Active 
Taking breaks to move your body is super important. Centennial has lots of ways to help you stay active, like the Athletic & Wellness Centre, open 7 days a week to all current students. If group classes are more your thing, you can check out the fitness schedule here. Be sure to follow @coltscampusrec and @awc_ccsai on Instagram to stay up to date with the latest programming.   

Take Care of Yourself
Finally, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Simple things like going for a walk, cooking a healthy meal, or relaxing with a bath can make a big difference. Make time for yourself and remember that your well-being is just as important as your grades.

So, as you prepare for exams, remember to look after yourself too. With these tips, you can stay healthy and focused, and tackle your exams with confidence!

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