
The Board Bulletin – February

Hey centennial students. Here’s what we did during the shortest month of the year!

Taking advocacy to the next step

On February 5, our president – Ajane Adams represented the student association in New York at the United Nations Headquarters for the Economic Social Council’s Annual Summit.

At the summit AJ met other student union presidents from across the world to engage in discussions centered around partnerships for the Sustainability Development Goals.

The Centennial College Student Association Incorporated is one of 63 signatories of the United Nations Accords.

Black History Month

On February 20 CCSAI hosted a celebration of black excellence to honour Black History Month! Students joined in for some live Dj, hair braiding and some delicious cultural snacks and refreshments.

Strategic Plan

The board has officially approved the final draft of the 2025/2026 strategic plan. The final document will be ready for approval by membership in April at our Annual General Meeting and will be published shortly after. Stay tuned on our socials for the upcoming AGM details.

Elections Candidates Media Day

There has been a lot of work done across the entire association to make sure the elections process runs effectively, smoothly and fun for all participants. Your student voice matters the most! Make it count and don’t forget to vote on March 20 and 21.

Raptors Game

CCSAI and the Alumni Association went to the Toronto Raptors on Tuesday, February 25!

We enjoyed the city’s atmosphere at the game and also had a great time networking with Centennial College peers and alumni during Engagement Week.

Upcoming dates of significance

  • Elections Voting dates: Mark your calendar for March 20 and 21 and don’t forget to cast your vote before 8:00 p.m. on March 21st!
  • FREE Tax clinic: CCSAI and The Business School are partnering to provide FREE tax preparation services for students with basic tax returns. In-person walk-in appointments will be available:

Dates: March 3 to April 11, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Days: Monday to Friday
Location: Progress Student Centre, Second Floor Boardroom

  • Wellness week: Spring into wellness and join us on campus with CCSAI and CALCS at the Wellness Week! Drop by between 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM on your campus to receive a mobile massage, learn bouquet making, pet therapy dogs, and so much more! Visit ca/Events for more details.
  • The deadline for the Learning Cost Essential Reimbursement service is next Monday, March 24. Learn more here, ca/Learning-Essentials/


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