Hobby & Interest Clubs 

Hobby & Interest Clubs

Do you want to meet new people? Want to learn something new, or maybe you’re looking for a new social group?

Check out our Student Clubs! You can find a club or start your own!

CCSAI Global Business Mavericks

The Global Business Mavericks Club will be dedicated to supporting students enrolled in the demanding Global Business Management program. Understanding the challenges that come with this field of study, our aim is to ease the stress and confusion students may face by providing a space for peer support and guidance. Our focus is on meeting the specific needs of GBM students, offering resources and assistance tailored to ensure their academic and professional success in this dynamic and diverse field.

Nkemjika Iloegbunam, President
Moinul Hossain, Vice President
Dayane Reyes, Admin Officer

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CCSAI International Development Student Collective

The International Development Student Collective is an Academic Club tied to the International Development Program at Centennial College. The club aims to build a vibrant community of students passionate about tackling global challenges. Through engaging educational activities, professional development opportunities, and cultural exchange events, the club seeks to empower members to become proactive leaders in international development. By undertaking collaborative projects, advocating for important causes, and providing networking opportunities, the club strives to connect academic learning with real-world impact, fostering a sense of global citizenship and driving meaningful change both locally and globally.

Nazuk Kukreja, President
Angelia Paola Briceno Fonseca Lakshmi, Vice President
Zaina Aziz, Admin Officer

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CCSAI Movie Club

The Centennial College Movie Club provides the perfect opportunity for everyone to interact, share ideas, and bond over our shared passion for films. Our movie nights come with complimentary snacks! We believe that great company and delicious treats go hand in hand.

Follow us on Instagram @CCSAI_MovieClub

Nabeel Al Jahan, President
Thelma Payes, Vice President
Unnati Pandya, Admin Officer

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CCSAI Musical Acting Club

The Musical Theatre Club aims to foster a deep appreciation and passion for the performing arts, specifically in the realm of musical theatre. Through engaging and entertaining performances, workshops, and rehearsals, our club aims to cultivate a supportive and inclusive environment where members can develop their talents, explore their creativity, and enhance their stage presence. We strive to provide a platform for individuals of all skill levels to showcase their abilities, collaborate with fellow performers, and gain valuable experience in various aspects of musical theatre production. Our ultimate goal is to celebrate the magic of musical theatre, inspire a love for the performing arts within our community, and create unforgettable moments of joy and entertainment for our members and audiences alike.

Pola Bravo Rodriguez, President
Carlos Alberto Velasco Gomez, Vice President
Joan Lomas Ortega, Admin Officer

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CCSAI Muslim Students Association

The purpose of this club is to strengthen the Muslim leaders at Centennial College to excel in their professional and religious lives. We strive to foster an environment where we can support students in achieving their spiritual, professional, educational, and/or personal goals. We also hope to engage students in Islamic and Non-Islamic projects and events to build leadership, collaboration, and communication skills.

Follow us on Instagram @MSACentennial

Arsalaan Siddiqui, President
Gabrielle Horvath-Lyttle, Vice President

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CCSAI Robotics Club

The Centennial College Robotics and Automation Club is a community dedicated to exploring and promoting the fields of robotics and automation. It serves as a platform for individuals with an interest in these areas to come together, learn, and collaborate on various projects and activities. Members may have diverse backgrounds, including engineering, computer science, mathematics, and other related disciplines. The club provides a space for them to exchange ideas, enhance their skills, and contribute to the advancement of robotics and automation technologies. Overall, the Robotics and Automation Club provides a supportive and collaborative environment for individuals to explore their interests in robotics and automation, fostering a community of like-minded individuals passionate about state-of-the-art robotics technology that pushes the boundaries of automation.

Palash Raja, President
Alejandro Verde Morales, Vice President
Syed Afeef Ahmed, Admin Officer

Are you interested in joining one of these clubs and want to connect? Email [email protected] to get in touch if there is no contact information available for your club of interest.

If you don’t see a club that interests you, you can start your own!


Complete an online club application 


Attend club training 



Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I see the list of current clubs?

The list of the current clubs can be found on our CCSAI Clubs Page. Be sure to check back regularly as clubs can start at any point in the semester!

How do I start my own club?

To start your own club, first you’ll need an idea – what will your club be for? Next you’ll need 3 students to be your executives and at least 5 more students as general members. Complete the online application, attend club training, and then you’ll be ratified as an official CCSAI club!

How can I join a club?

You can visit the CCSAI Clubs Page to see the contact information of each club, or you can contact the club through their social media page, and send them a message saying you want to join their club!

You can also contact CCSAI and let us know which club you’re interested in joining and we’ll connect you with their executives.
When can I join a club?

Anytime! There isn’t a specific deadline or timeline to join a club. You can join a club at any point in the semester!

I want to start my own club, but I don’t have enough people – what should I do?

Let us know! Send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll be able to help you in how you can find more people for your club and the club application process. 

Why should I join a club?

Clubs are a great way to meet new people and engage with Centennial’s community. You’re able to meet other students who share the same interests as you and you might even make some lifelong friends along the way!

Why should I start a club?

Taking a leadership role in a club is a great way for you to enhance your experience at Centennial. As a club executive, you’ll get to develop event planning skills, communication skills, and leadership skills. You’re also creating a platform for students to come together and build a community and you’re making a positive impact on campus!

What do clubs do?

Clubs provide events, engagement activities, and community-building opportunities for students –  and they’re all student-run and student-led!

What’s the difference between a club executive and a general member?

Club executives serve as the first point of contact for the club and they serve as the leads of the club and its decision makers while general members are members of the club. Each club operates differently so the roles of a club executive and a general member can vary depending on the club.

How can I find out what club events are coming up?

We include the upcoming club events and activities on the CCSAI Events page. If you want to stay up to date with the events of a specific club, be sure to follow them on social media and connect with the club directly.