Tax Clinic
Free Tax Clinic
CCSAI and The Business School are partnering to provide FREE tax preparation services for students with basic tax returns.
In-person walk-in appointments will be available:
March 3 to April 11, 2025
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday
Progress Student Centre, Second Floor Boardroom
In-person appointments at other campuses may become available based on volunteer availability.
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions below to find out what you need to bring with you for your appointment.
Eligibility Criteria for Free Tax Clinic
Family size | Total family income |
1 person | $35,000 |
2 people | $45,000 |
3 people | $47,500 |
4 people | $50,000 |
5 people | $52,500 |
More than 5 people | $52,500, plus $2,500 for each additional person |
Acceptable income items for the tax clinic
- Employment income
- Pension income
- RRSP income
- Interest income under $1,000
- Government and other benefits
- Scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, or grants
You are NOT eligible for the tax clinic if you have any of the following items:
- Self-employment or business income and expenses
- Rental income and expenses
- Capital Gains or Losses
- Foreign property
- Foreign income
- Bankruptcy declaration
Things to Bring to the Free Tax Clinic
- Your last year’s Notice of Assessment (NoA), if applicable
- Your Social Insurance Number (SIN)
- Student ID and college email address
- Current residence mailing address
- Government-issued photo ID. (Canadian driver’s license, Ontario Photo ID, International Passport, etc.; health cards are not valid forms of Identification)
- T2202A tuition tax slip for students who attended class in 2024. (If you attended Centennial College in 2024, you can find this on myCentennial)
- All basic information for spouses and/or any minor children.
- Direct Deposit Banking information, if you do not want tax refunds/credits to be mailed
- Rent and\or property tax documentation for the Ontario Trillium Benefit
- Any additional documents, tax slips, or information you require for your taxes (T4 slips, T5 slips, Donation, Medical, RRSP, First Home Savings Account, etc.)
- For First-Time Filers of a Canadian Tax Return:
- Worldwide Income for 2024 of you and your spouse
- The exact spelling of your name as on your SIN
If you do not qualify, you can use a paid tax preparation service in the community, or you can prepare and submit a tax return yourself. Scroll down to learn about Paid Tax Preparation Services, Self-Filing, or Other Ways to File Your Taxes.
Paid Tax Preparation
For the past 10 years, CCSAI has partnered with White Picket Fence Accounting & Taxation to provide students with a discount on having their tax return prepared by an income tax professional. This helps them get the best return possible. Centennial College students will receive a special rate for their tax preparation and submission via White Picket Fence Accounting & Taxation.
View the 2025 fee schedule below before booking your appointment with White Picket Fence.
Student Income Tax Returns
(BASIC STUDENT RETURN ONLY, T2125, T776, T777, T2200, T1135, T5008, etc.., not included) |
Alumni, Staff & Family Returns
Additional Charges To Students, Alumni & Staff
& STAFF | |
T5008 | $4.00 |
T1135 | $75.00 |
T2200 | $45.00 |
T776 | $100.00 |
T777 | $65.00 |
T2125 | $100.00 |
T1 ADJUSTMENT | $100.00 |
POSTAGE & HANDLING (Expresspost) | $25.00 |
White Picket Fence Accounting & Taxation
WPF Accounting & Taxation Services Inc
P.O. Box 3027, RPO Stevenson King, Oshawa, ON, L1J4T8
PH: 647-762-5143
Fax: 1-888-518-2833
Inquiry Email: [email protected]
After booking your appointment, use the link below to send WPFTax your documents securely.
Self Filing
Filing your taxes as a student can help you access benefits and credits. If you’re interested in preparing your own tax return, consider utilizing CRA-certified Tax Preparation Software, see a list of softwares here. You can also, complete your taxes on paper, by mail. For details: Get a T1 income tax package Looking for more ways to file your taxes? Visit here, for more options.
Quick Links for More Information
Frequently Asked Questions
What Documents Are Required To File My Taxes at The Free Tax Clinic?
- Your last year’s Notice of Assessment (NoA), if applicable
- Your Social Insurance Number (SIN)
- Student ID and college email address
- Current residence mailing address
- A government issued photo ID. (driver’s license, passport, etc.; health card do not count)
- T2202A tuition tax slip for students who attended class in 2024. (If attended Centennial College in 2024, you can find this on myCentennial)
- All basic information for spouses, and any minor children.
- Banking information for Direct Deposit, if you do not want tax refunds/credits mailed
- Ontario Trillium Benefit – Rent and/or property tax documentation
- T4 Statement of Earning
- Any additional documents, tax slips, or information you require for your taxes (T4 slips, T5 slips, Donation, Medical, RRSP, First Home Savings Account, etc.)For First Time Filers of a Canadian Tax Return:
- Worldwide Income for 2024 of you and your spouse
- Exact spelling of your name as on your SIN
Who Has To File An Income Tax Return?
You must file a tax return if you owe income tax or if you want to claim an income tax refund. All residents of Canada on Dec 31 of any given year are expected to file an income tax return. It is best to meet with a tax consultant who can help you process your Income Tax Return and assist you with obtaining the maximum benefit from your return. If you are eligible for a refund, you will be paid by cheque or direct deposit to the receiver’s bank account. Learn about who has to file an income tax and benefit return in Canada.
Why Should I File A Return?
If you are a resident of Canada or an International Student who is here on a study permit and residing in Canada temporarily, you may be eligible for certain payments or credits, you must file an income tax return. All Canadian residents as of December 31 of any given year must also file an income tax return.
When Is The Filing Due Date?
Generally, your income tax return must be filed on or before April 30 of the year following the year for which the return is being filed. If you owe taxes and you file your tax return late, you will be charged a late-filing penalty and interest on any unpaid amounts.
What Are The Most Common Types Of Income For Students?
- Employment Income T4
- Scholarships/Bursaries T4A
- Employment Insurance Benefits T4E
- Worker’s Compensation Benefits T5007
- ODSP/Social Assistance Income T5007
- Investment Income T5
- RRSP Income – HBP/LLP Repayment T4RSP
- Business/Professional or Commission Income
- Foreign Income & Capital Gains.
***We will also need to know the amount of world income you earned in the year that you came to Canada
What Are The Most Common Types Of Deductions For Students?
Union Dues, Charitable/Political Donations, RRSP Contributions, Tuition Slip T2202A, Student Loan Interest, Medical Expenses, Child Care Expenses, Child Fitness & Arts Expenses, Allowable Employment Expenses, Capital Losses & Carry Forwards
How Long Should I Retain The Documents Relevant To My Income Tax Return?
Retain all documents relating to your income tax returns for at least 7 years, in case you are asked to provide this information at a later date.
Do I Have To Let The Canada Revenue Agency (Cra) Know That I Will Be Moving During The Year?
Yes, the CRA always needs to know where you live to receive your benefits. If mail is returned to them, they will stop all payments until you contact them with your new address.
If I Worked Part-Time For An Employer Do I Need To Report That Income On My Tax Return?
Yes, your employer will issue you a T4 slip for the year that you worked there. All world income is to be reported on your tax returns every year.
What Happens To My Tuition Credits When I File My Taxes?
Can I Claim My Bus Passes And Presto Card?
No. The tax credit in question ceased to be in effect on June 30th, 2017.
What Is The GST Credit?
The GST/HST credit is a non-taxable quarterly payment that helps individuals and families with low and modest incomes offset all or part of the goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) that they pay. You may be entitled to the GST/HST credit after your arrival in Canada if you are considered a resident of Canada for tax purposes. You will automatically be considered for the GST Credit when you file your tax return, the CRA will determine your eligibility. The payment schedule for the GST Credit is quarterly beginning in July, October, January and April on the 5th of each month.
What Is The Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB)?
The Ontario Trillium Benefit combines the following: Ontario Sales Tax Credit. Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit, and. Northern Ontario Energy Credit. When claiming your rent, you must be able to obtain a rent receipt from your landlord otherwise you are not able to claim your rent. Claiming rent when you do not have a receipt will result in you repaying the government the money you received for the benefit. The payment schedule for the OTB is monthly on the 10th of each month provided the total amount owed to you for the credit is greater than $360.
How Do I Apply For The Gst Credit And The Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB)?
We make the application when we file your tax return, therefore it is important to be current with filing your taxes to ensure your benefits are not interrupted.
What Is The Canada Child Benefit (CCB)?
The Canada Child Benefit (CCB) is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age. Application for the CCB is made on your income tax return. The payment schedule for the CCB is monthly on the 20th of each month.
When Do I Qualify For The GST And The OTB?
You may qualify for the credit when you become a resident of Ontario; however, you will have to file an income tax return for the year you arrived (i.e.: Arrived December 29, 2016, you would file in March the following year 2017).
Have You Received A Notice From The Canada Revenue Agency’s GST Credit Or Ontario Trillium Benefit Departments Stating The Following?
We cannot calculate the amount you may be entitled to receive for all periods because we do not have all the necessary information. if you provide the information, we ask for in the detailed explanation section, we will process it and let you know if you are entitled.
This is a common request from the canada revenue agency; they would like to confirm the information provided on your tax return for the year you came to canada. They request this information (written letter) when someone files an income tax return in canada for the first time and is entitled to the benefits.
In future years this should not be requested. Complete the instructions below as soon as possible to resolve their request. Write the canada revenue agency a brief letter stating 2 things:
- Whether or not you had any world income prior to coming to canada in the year you came to canada. (i.e.:income from employment).
- If you did not have income prior to coming to canada, please state this in the letter.
If you did have income, convert it to Canadian dollars.
Include in the letter the date you came to canada along with a photocopy of the stamped passport page for your entry into canada. Send the CRA a photocopy of the letter you received from the gst credit /or the ontario trillium benefit departments along with your world income letter and the photocopy of your passport entry page.
In asking for your world income the canada revenue agency will only use this information to determine if you qualify for the gst credit, the Ontario Trillium Benefit and the Canada Child Benefit.
Additional Information
Students and Income Tax:
Follow the link below for information from the CRA related to Students and Income Tax.
You will need a T202A for each year that you are filing for and have completed a full semester of school, they must be included with your return in the year you attended school.
Did you attend college or university outside of Canada?
Have your educational institution complete the form in the link below:
Are you a Newcomer to Canada?
Follow the link below for information related to newcomers to Canada
Learn More About Tax Season in Canada
Spring Season in Canada is Tax Season. Every year, anyone who has paid any income tax in Canada, or who may be eligible for credits and payments, is required to file a tax return. This is an end-of-year adjustment to confirm that no one has paid the incorrect amount of income tax.
By the end of February, a number of tax documents should be provided to you.
The most common documents that you may receive can include, but are not limited to:
- T4 Statement of Employment Earnings
- T4A Statement of Income from Scholarships, Grants & Awards
- T2202 Tuition & Enrolment Certificate