Club Policy

Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Purpose
- 3. Policy
- 3.1 General
- 3.2 Eligibility and Membership
- 3.3 Meetings and Reporting
- 3.4 Activities and Operations
- 3.5 Finances
- 4. Club Application and Ratification Process
- 5. Discipline, Probation, De-Ratification, and Expulsion Process
- 6. Club Appeal
1. Introduction
To aid in its efforts to advocate on behalf of and represent the interests of its members, the Centennial College Student Association Inc. (CCSAI) sanctions student groups, clubs, and associations on campus. The CCSAI recognizes the value of clubs in helping students to gather and share their interests and ideas with fellow students, to help educate and engage the broader Centennial College community, and to celebrate the diverse population and interests of all of its members.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish the principles and guidelines within which all activities of CCSAI sanctioned clubs will take place. This policy is designed to assist students in the formation and operation of clubs and to make clear the rights and responsibilities that a club has to the CCSAI and to its members.
3. Policy
3.1 General
3.1.1. Clubs approved by the CCSAI shall represent members of the college community with similar interests, backgrounds, or ambitions to gather for educational, informational, and social purposes.
3.1.2. Decisions to grant club status shall be based on its proposed benefit to student life and to enhance a sense of community on campus.
3.1.3. The CCSAI reserves the right to deny and/or withdraw club status and funding from any student group whose articulated beliefs, values, or behavior compromise CCSAI policies.
3.1.4. The CCSAI will not support, fund, or promote any club that engages in activities that are against the law or discriminatory as defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code.
3.1.5. The CCSAI supports the principle of freedom of expression and freedom of association. This includes – but is not limited to – the freedom to communicate in any reasonable way, to hold and advertise meetings, to debate and to engage in peaceful assemblies and demonstrations, to organize groups for lawful activities, and to make reasonable use of Student Association and College facilities, in accordance with its policies and procedures.
3.1.6. Students interested in creating or renewing a club shall submit a Club Proposal and follow the steps for approval as per the Club Application and Approval Process.
3.1.7. Clubs that propose initiation or hazing activities as a prerequisite to join, either with current or prospective clubs, will not be approved.
3.1.8. All clubs must incorporate the acronym “CCSAI” into their official name.
3.1.9. All applicants are bound by the CCSAI’s bylaws and policies.
3.1.10. All clubs, including their members, must abide by all Centennial College policies, particularly the Student Code of Conduct.
3.1.11. All clubs shall be ratified by the CCSAI Board of Directors.
3.1.12. Ratification as a club is not an official legal recognition of existence and does not entitle the group to enter into any contractual relationship as a CCSAI club or on behalf of the CCSAI. This includes goods and services contracts and bank accounts.
3.1.13. No club shall form an affiliation or partnership with any outside organization, group, or program without the prior approval and consent of the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator.
3.2 Eligibility and Membership
3.2.1. Only students enrolled in a Ministry-approved program at Centennial College can be eligible for consideration for a membership roster to join a CCSAI club.
3.2.2. No club shall discriminate or refuse membership to any students because of citizenship, race, place of origin, ethnic origin, color, ancestry, disability, age, creed, sex, pregnancy, family status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, receipt of public assistance, or record of offense as per the Ontario Human Rights Code.
3.2.3. No club shall charge a fee for membership.
3.2.4. All clubs must maintain a minimum of five (5) general members as well as three (3) executive members, as listed below:
- President
- Vice President
- Administrative Officer
3.2.5. Clubs have the option of appointing one (1) ex-officio Club Advisor from outside of the general student membership. The Club Advisor may not make decisions or act on behalf of the club. CCSAI employees will not be eligible.
3.2.6. Clubs are required to keep the CCSAI up-to-date on all changes that are made to their executive structure. Changes must be communicated to the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator.
3.2.7. No CCSAI board member may hold an executive or advisor position with any CCSAI club.
3.2.8. No club executive member may hold more than one executive member position in any club.
3.2.9. No clubs shall hold identical membership rosters when forming the club.
3.2.10. The CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator shall be listed as ex-officio members of all CCSAI clubs and shall be included in all formal club communication, including but not limited to, notices of meetings and meeting minutes.
3.3 Meetings and Reporting
3.3.1. Clubs shall hold a minimum of two (2) meetings during each semester to maintain active status. There is no maximum number of meetings that a club may hold in each semester.
3.3.2. Clubs shall notify the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator of the meeting a minimum of one (1) business day prior to the meeting and submit notes of the meeting to the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator within three (3) business days of the meeting.
3.3.3. Where possible, and subject to room availability, the CCSAI will provide space on campus for club meetings on-campus. Requests to book space shall be made to the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator a minimum of three (3) business days prior to the meeting.
3.4 Activities and Operations
3.4.1. Clubs shall host a minimum of one (1) membership engagement activity per semester. There is no maximum number of membership engagement activities that a club may hold in each semester, provided that the activities do not impede on other clubs and groups ability to host membership engagement activities.
3.4.2. Clubs may charge members ad-hoc fees for specific membership engagement activities upon approval of the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and Engagement Coordinator.
3.4.3. Clubs shall request to hold membership engagement activities by completing and submitting the Event Proposal Form.
3.4.4. All club membership engagement activities shall be:
- Held subject to the approval of the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator;
- Open to all Centennial College students;
- Subject to all CCSAI and Centennial College policies, all applicable governing statutes, laws, and regulations;
- In line with the club’s purpose, the spirit of the club program, and shall maintain the good name of the CCSAI and Centennial College.
3.4.5. All club membership engagement activities shall be held on campus or delivered virtually and be free of alcohol, smoking (including but not limited to cigarettes and e-cigarettes), marijuana, and any controlled or illegal substances.
3.4.6. Clubs may collaborate with other CCSAI sanctioned clubs or Centennial College departments on engagement activities as per approval of the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator.
3.5 Finances
3.5.1. All clubs that have attained Official Club status shall be eligible for up to $400.00 of CCSAI funding per semester. If a club requires funding that exceeds the allotted amount, they may submit a request to the Engagement Coordinator for approval.
3.5.2. CCSAI funding is available to clubs for meetings and membership engagement activities. Funding may not be used for any of the following:
- Group or individual members’ personal gain (gifts, honoraria, swag for members, etc.)
- Purchasing of assets or academic program materials
- Purchasing alcohol
- Purchasing illegal/controlled goods and/or services
- Donations for any organizations or charities
3.5.3. Requests for funding shall be made to the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and/or the Engagement Coordinator for pre-approval. Purchases made without prior approval may not be reimbursed.
3.5.4. Requests for funding may be denied if activities in question have no perceived benefit for the club members.
3.5.5. CCSAI clubs may not open or operate any bank accounts. The CCSAI shall provide club financial account services including deposits, balance updates, and approve expense reimbursement.
3.5.6. The CCSAI shall not be responsible for any debts incurred by a member of a club while acting on behalf of the club.
3.5.7. Clubs may generate funds through their activities. Deposits shall be verified by a CCSAI representative and remitted to the CCSAI. The CCSAI shall forward remittance to the pre-approved recipients for each instance. All funds generated shall be subject to 3.5.2, with the exception of point e.
3.5.8. Any equipment purchased with club funds becomes the property of the CCSAI and can be used at the association’s sole discretion with the intent to maintain the mandate of the club. Clubs must report all purchases of equipment to the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and Engagement Coordinator.
3.5.9. If a club ceases to be active, all equipment must be surrendered to the CCSAI to be kept in trust.
3.5.10. Clubs may not accept monetary donations from outside partners but may accept donations in kind, with approval by the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator. Any donations must be coordinated through the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator.
4. Club Application and Ratification Process
4.1. All forms relevant to the application process shall be available on the CCSAI website at and at the Student Centre/CCSAI office locations.
4.2. The application process for club status consists of the following steps:
- Step 1: Each interested group of students shall submit an application form for review by the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator.
- Step 2: Upon approval of the application by the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator, clubs are required to attend mandatory training. Each club must be represented by at least 2 executive members at the training.
- Step 3: After completing the training, successful clubs shall be eligible to access up to 25% of their funding for the semester to assist in holding membership drives and meetings.
- Step 4: Upon ratification from the CCSAI Board of Directors, clubs shall be deemed to have Official Club Status. Clubs that have achieved Official Club Status shall be eligible to apply for full funding amounts as per section 3.5 of this policy.
4.3. Clubs that do not complete the steps in 4.3 shall cease to exist and commence the application process the following semester.
4.4. Clubs that attain Official Club Status will retain the status for the remainder of the academic year given it meets all requirements as per section 3.2, not have probationary status, not de-ratified, or not in the process of being de-ratified.
4.5. Clubs that have maintained their Official Club Status during the academic year are eligible to apply for a Status Renewal for the succeeding academic year. Clubs that are granted a Status Renewal will be exempt from completing the application process as per section 4.3 and will continue to maintain their Official Club Status.
5. Discipline, Probation, De-Ratification, and Expulsion Process
5.1. Clubs may be placed on probation by the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator for failure to meet club requirements as established in section 3.2 of this policy and/or failure to meet meeting and event requirements as established in section 3.3 and 3.4 of this policy.
5.2. Potential grounds for probation of a member-at-large, or dismissal of an Executive member of a club may include, but are not limited to:
- Exhibited lack of financial accountability or management to both the CCSAI and members-at-large
- Breach of the Club Agreement
- Repeated valid complaints about the club from its membership or Centennial College community
- Non-compliance with any Centennial College or CCSAI policies and procedures
- Harassment by club members to any member of the Centennial College community in the context of club activities
5.3. While on probation, clubs may not book space, hold meetings, or apply for or access funding. Clubs can apply to reinstate their status by contacting the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator.
5.4. Clubs that engage in unsanctioned partnerships without the consent or knowledge of the CCSAI shall be put on probation.
5.5. Complaints or concerns that a club or club member has violated the policy shall be reported to the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator to hear and, where possible, resolve problems that arise. Violations include, but are not limited to, destruction or misuse of property, violation of their mandate, misuse of funds, entering contracts without permission.
5.6. If the issue is deemed more serious in nature, or has escalated beyond the scope of the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator, the matter shall be referred to the Manager, Communications and Events.
6. Club Appeal
6.1. The CCSAI is committed to ensuring that the treatment of clubs is fair and consistent with the Club Policy, CCSAI policies, and applicable College policies. In the event that there may be a breach of this understanding, clubs may appeal before the CCSAI.
6.2. Clubs who believe that they have the basis for appealing for club-related issues shall first attempt to resolve the matter informally through the CCSAI Clubs Liaison and the Engagement Coordinator. If the dispute cannot be resolved through this informal process, the club may proceed to formally appeal to an ad-hoc Club Appeal Committee provided by CCSAI.
6.3. CCSAI shall not hold bias against clubs who have raised matters of concern under this policy.