Club Semester Summary Download the Club Policy Use this form to summarize how the past semester has been for your club and let us know if your club will be continuing its term and if there are any changes to take note of SemesterClub Name*What has been the highlight(s) of your club this semester?*What activity/activities did your club host this semester?*Will your club be returning next semester?* Yes No If no, be sure to close any accounts (emails, social media) that are related to your club. If you wish to handover the accounts to the CCSAI for a future club, please list the login information in the space below:What kind of activities/events does your club hope to do next semester?Are there any changes to your club's executive team?* Yes No Club ExecutivesPlease complete the updated information for your club executivesClub President NameClub President Student ID NumberClub President Email Club Vice President NameClub Vice President Student ID NumberClub Vice President Email Club Admin Officer NameClub Admin Student ID NumberClub Admin Email Submitted ByFull Name*Email* Additional comments/feedbackAre there any questions you have? Are there ways that CCSAI can better support your club? Let us know!